Our first release note in Github by Macuyler Dunn
This is the first complete version of the Play Suipi demo. In this version you can play a full game of Suipi with a friend locally on a computer.
Sep 14, 2020
So we did a thing. We created a Suipi game using python to get the basics of the game and understand all the rules and logic. When I taught Macuyler the game, he was pretty hooked due to the complexity of the game and the creative nature of trying to capture cards. Funny thing was that teaching it to him in code actually made it easier to understand. From learning how many games are played, how many deals occur and switching the dealer between games and how to deal.
This entry and probably the next few will be written as a reflection as I try to remember the more important events that occurred but hopefully I’ll catch up to the present and there I’ll be able to give my thoughts as in happens with richer detail.
This journal will be more of a personal connection with our users who care to follow the story behind the project. Who we are, what we’re trying to accomplish and how we thought through a few of our problems and any features we thought would be cool. I imagine this being a work in progress lol so please bear with us. We’d love to hear from the community.